Little Miss Junebug landed me in Labor and Delivery yesterday afternoon. This would be fantastic if she were 38-42 weeks and not only 22 weeks. The story goes as so:
Last Tuesday I had to go to campus to pick up my tickets for graduation. A detail that I had all but forgotten until my dear friend Traci reminded me about a week before. I was super excited, I finally got to see Amanda and a cast of friends that I hadn't seen since winter quarter had ended! Amanda waited with me to get my tickets and then we meandered until a few others were out of class. We really didn't walk that much nor was I on campus for very long but when I went to leave I started having this very sharp cramp like feeling my upper left stomach area. I got home and rested which seemed to help. Wednesday I work with the kids all day, trying not to lift them, etc. Thursday I work for three and a half year old twins who are an absolute riot. Sassy and cute and just super fun girls. While one was sleeping the other got a bit of a 'tude (nothing out of the ordinary for any 3 1/2 child) and I had to ask her to sit in time out. Her listening ears were clearly turned off so I had to pick her up and take her out of the situation to get my point across. (If you don't know me, I have patience for days but I also have rules and listening to Miss Amber is absolutely imperative.) She's not heavy by any means but on my way home that weird pain started again. This time it was a deep, searing pain and level with where my uterus should be right now. So I called my doctor and he wasn't too concerned with baby girl because I could still feel her moving like a banshee in there. He did recommend that I take it easy and try to rest. Friday, I rested. Saturday, I kind of rested (we went to Disneyland but spent a lot of time sitting...and eating). Sunday, I sat around and ate at a graduation party. Monday, I think I rested (sad but true: I don't really know what I did that day). Tuesday, I had to work. We had 10 kids here and 4 adults so I wasn't doing any heavy lifting or anything out of my comfort zone but when I came in to make lunch I was in so much pain that it brought tears to my eyes. I stuck it out for about an hour before my mom finally convinced me to call my doctor. I called his office and they said they would give him my message. Two hours later, no call back and even worse pain. I called again and he was performing a surgery so the nurse recommended that I just head to the hospital. Last time I was in the ER (at a different hospital) I was 19weeks pregnant and it was for some numbness in my leg that was caused by sciatica and they said they take preggos up to L&D after 20 weeks, regardless. So I wasn't sure what the policy was at this hospital and where I would end up. I drove myself which was okay but it was a little weird walking into a hospital, visibly pregnant and alone. I felt like people eyed me funny. Anyway, they took me straight to L&D and put me in a triage room up there. (The L&D floor was beautiful! I'm really excited to have June there.) I got the fancy hospital gown on and the nurse hooked me up to an external fetal monitor. It's basically two round doppler type things; one to measure baby's heart rate and one to detect and measure contractions. The first time the nurse easily found June's heart rate, it was super strong and perfect. But June decided that she didn't like laying where she was so she moved. Nurse found it again. June moved, again. Nurse commented on June's stubbornness, I agreed. Finally found it again and this time she had to grab the strap to secure it but June had other ideas. She kicked/punched so hard that the doppler thing moved! Now, the doppler thing (technical term, I'm sure) isn't very heavy or big but the fact that my 22 week fetus who weighs around a pound moved it, is incredibly impressive. The nurse just stopped what she was doing and laughed. Eventually the monitor was securely on and Thomas showed up and we got to sit and listen to June move and kick for about an hour.
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They got Thomas and I completely right in this illustration. |
Everything was completely fine as far as baby goes, no contractions, no dilation, strong heart rate. My doctor showed up after a while and decided that sending me to the ER was best because there was nothing else to do up there. So ER visit took a little longer but after an ultrasound and blood tests there was really nothing they could find. Their best guess is that Junebug is very strong and possibly bruised my innards (around my pancreas). All three doctors (including my OB) told me to rest and lay low for a while. I took today "off" work (a term I use loosely because I live where I work so while it was still crazy around me, I was able to just sit on the couch and mess around on the computer) and I feel better this afternoon. Still very sore and tender but not near the crazy pain I was having yesterday. A nice little test run in L&D and I hope we don't go back until June is fully cooked!
Feeling June move is one of the best parts of being pregnant. I love when Thomas can feel it too. But so far only the two of us have felt her because she's most active when I'm in bed and just resting. So last night when I got home I watched TV in my parents' room for a while because my dad had people over downstairs and my mom came up and sat with me. After a while June started doing her nightly routine so I told my mom where to feel and sure enough she felt Junebug! She screamed, it was pretty adorable. My dad yelled upstairs, thinking something was wrong. By this time his friends had left so she told him to come up and he got to feel her too. It was really something special to have both my mom and dad get to feel their first grandbaby move in the same night. Now if she would just start doing more daytime gymnastics everyone could get in on the baby action!
Fun fact: I still weigh less at 22 weeks pregnant than when I conceived. How do I know? Well, egg met sperm around New Years Eve. January 1st my parents and I decided to do a Biggest Loser like contest. I weighed myself the morning of January 2nd and kept a log of my weight for the next two weeks. I started at 177 (the most I've ever weighed) and by the 15th I had lost 10 pounds! The 18th, I was for sure pregnant. My last weigh in, I was still 2 pounds less than that January 2nd weight! ((Do the math, I weigh 175 and have gained 8 pounds...if you're really curious.)) Here is a side by side of me and Thomas on New Years Eve and then one taken today at 22 weeks pregnant. Thomas swears my fat (not his word, mine. He says weight.) has just reallocated itself all to the baby and boobs, which I can see too.
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This didn't turn out how I wanted it but we're all going to have to get over it. |
What hospital are you delivering at?
ReplyDeleteI'm delivering at Mission. I've heard nothing but positive things about them and I'm actually excited to deliver there! (Especially after I was so set on a birthing center before but my insurance doesn't cover anything like that!)