Monday, May 16, 2011

Join the Party!

Pity Party: Hats required, pants optional.

My pity party, that is! I am not a very optimistic person, I can completely and openly admit that. I try so hard to be and always see the bright side in a friend's situation (like today, BFITWWW had a terrible stomach ache and I told her "at least you're not rectally bleeding!" True, right?) but can rarely see the silver lining in my own life. I don't like wallowing in self-pity but I really think that everyone needs a half-day, or even one full day, of a pity party. It clears your brain and if you can re-focus that negative energy into positive, you can even come out of it grateful for the life you do have. 

Today's pity party started this morning when I realized (for the 100th time) that Thomas, June, Henry and I will not have our own place to live when June makes her appearance. We'll be living with one of our sets parents. Who we will live with is not the problem in the least, it's the fact that I do not really have a choice in the matter. We could burn through what we've saved the past 3 months and live in an apartment but honestly, that just doesn't make sense. 

I wish things were different. I wish I had a full-time, creative job. I wish Thomas had a job he loved. I wish we were established and had money.  

But we truly love each other. We have our health. We have the support and love of our families. We do have the option of living with parents. 

I have a college degree that I worked hard for and that's not going anywhere. I have the option, drive and resources to get my Masters. I have a creative and functioning brain that is always moving and thinking. I have a healthy baby girl growing inside of me. 

As odd as it sounds, I have to remind myself that the end of this season of change results in a baby that was created in love and will be surrounded by love. We don't have a million dollars to offer her but we have so much love to give and in the end, that's all that matters.

End of the pity party!

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