Oh friends, what a crazy few weeks we've had around the Kellogg Manor. We've moved! We have a stander! We have teeth!
But frankly, that's not what I'm here to talk about.
Let's start with my carpet. In the morning after June eats her breakfast (consisting of a fruit and cheerios or bread) I usually change her diaper and let her crawl around bare bottomed. It's good for her to air out a little bit and she absolutely loves it. She squeals, in fact. This morning we were having a play date with my dear friend Natalie who is pregnant and due in August. (I want to state here and now that I think BP is a GIRL. Let the record state that I'm probably right.) So I threw June into this cute boho dress that reminds me of my friend and proceeded to change her diaper. I let her air out for a few minutes before she started fussing. I picked her up and tried to put a diaper on her. The carpet was wet and warm. Her dress had an odd spot on it. Henry was on the other side of the room so my first suspect was out. June had in fact peed on the floor and then crawled into it. My little lady, always so delicate. First wardrobe change of the day for her.
We walked to the Orange Circle, had some Frappuccinos, a little lunch and came home. June was fussy so she laid down for her second nap while Nat and I caught up on life. (So very much needed, I love my Natalie.) Nat and Harper (her dog who is Henry's best friend) left and I got comfortable on the couch. Not 10 minutes later did June wake up. Oh life, you silly wench.
Fast forward through Target and a frustrating return/exchange and through dinner. June was tired, so was I, so I laid her down for the night. She cried and cried and cried. I think she just wanted a bottle rather than to sleep. I let her play around in the living room for a while longer. June played, I watched an episode of Family Ties (yeah, my new favorite show on Netflix- slowly working my way through all 7 seasons) and Henry barfed on the carpet, twice. It was a strange yellow color so I rushed to clean it up and take him into the kitchen to throw up on the tile.
The excitement was apparently too much for June who then proceeded to throw up on the carpet. Maybe she felt left out? All I know is that my living room got peed on, dog vomit and baby spit up on it all within 6 hours. You're welcome for this story.
Who watches The Bachelorette? LET'S BE FRIENDS!
Who do you like? Who do you NOT like? I won't tell you who goes home for those of you who DVR it and watch it later. We no longer have a DVR so we have to watch it like the olden days; when it's actually airing.
For the record, I like Ari, Jef and Doug.
I don't like Alessandro (WHO IS HE?), Kalon and the other nondescript ones.
Guys, Henry snipped at June today. He didn't actually bite her but she crawled on top of him and he wasn't having it and barked in her face. She cried, I freaked the freak out, reprimanded him and then cried myself. I was home alone with them so I had no back up to figure out what to actually do so I felt even sadder. Henry is currently curled up rightnexttome like he thinks I may sell him. He's been so good with her that I'm at a loss. What do I do? How do you deal with dogs and babies? She obviously needs to learn his boundaries but she's a baby and he can't be all snappy with her. Ideas?
I'll leave you with a picture of my favorite wall in the house. Thomas and I put this all up on Saturday. I'm in love with it. (Also, yes, I wrote that poem. Got asked that a few times already.)
Also, follow me on Instagram! AmberKellogg for all your too adorable pictures of June, Henry and me without makeup!