I have an eight month old.
I have an eight month old.
I have an eight month old.
I have to keep repeating that lest I forget. She is finally crawling and pretty much thinks she's a big girl. She hates being held and will strong arm you to get down. She has a little trouble going from sitting to crawling because that giant thigh of hers gets in the way but she manages to basically throw herself over it and go. The crawling is hilarious. It's like a half army crawl, half pushing off with her right foot.
She's also a clapping fool. She adores clapping and it's the cutest thing in the world.
She's also saying dada! It was pretty impressive - within three days she started the last three things. Just bam, bam, bam! Like she knew I was getting anxious for her to start any one of those.
Here's the chart of milestones from Baby Center:
Child's Age | ![]() Mastered Skills (most kids can do) | ![]() Emerging Skills (half of kids can do) | ![]() Advanced Skills (a few kids can do |
8 months | Says "mama" or "dada" to parents (isn't specific) Passes objects from hand to hand | Stands while holding onto something Crawls Points at objects Searches for hidden objects | Pulls self to standing, cruises Picks things up with thumb-finger pincer grasp Indicates wants with gestures |
June can say dada to us and definitely passes objects from hand to hand.
She can stand, crawl, point and search for things she drops.
She can't pull herself up yet or cruise, her pincer grasp is incredible and I'm pretty sure that's because of her self feeding, and I have seen her gesture toward a toy before.
So, I'd say she's pretty on point. I'm pretty sure she's like only a few weeks away from walking. She's freakishly independent and wants to be big girl so badly. I'm so lucky to have such a good baby. She keeps herself entertained very well and is very easy going (until she's not - when she wants something, usually).
Her faces are incredible. I guarantee she got that from me. |
The one thing we could definitely work on is her sleeping. She had gotten on a great schedule of napping 9-11:30am and then 1:30-3:30 or 4. But this week she's decided no, not napping pretty much ever. She's also still waking up between once to three times a night. Guys, I'm starting to die a little from all of this lack of sleep. HELP ME!
Seriously, give me advice. What do you do for your babes? Comment here and let me know!
How do I get this crazy lady to sleep?! |
We started a cry it out technique.
ReplyDeleteWe put him to sleep and if he cries we only let him for five minutes. Then we puck him uo soothe him and put him back down.
If he cries again we let him for 10 minutes before soothing.
Then again for 15 and 20.
Daniel goes down by 830 and wakes up at 6/630 for the day.
During the day he will take short naps but that helps him sleep at night.
Have you tried baby wearing to help her sleep? If I need to get stuff done and Daniel won't let me I out him in my ergo and he will sleep for 2 hours or so. The bonus to the ergo is you can wear your baby on your back.