Tuesday, April 24, 2012


You can skip this post if you want as it's just some bragging about my smart Buggie Boo. I mean, I recommend you read it because there's some cool stuff about FOOD! All of our favorite subject!

Baby Center is a pretty good resource for all things baby. I have to steer clear of the discussion boards because people love to troll and it infuriates me. So I keep my blood pressure down and try not to peruse those. 

They have this great chart of different milestones that most kids, half of kids and a few kids can do for each month. I was reading over the list and it only pumped up my baby ego. Here's the run down. 

Child's Age
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
7 monthsSits without support
Drags objects toward herself
Lunges forward or starts crawling
Jabbers or combines syllables
Starts to experience stranger anxiety
Waves goodbye
Stands while holding onto something
Bangs objects together
Begins to understand object permanence

June can do everything on this list. She hasn't quite started crawling but she's lunging for sure. And she can scoot herself in a circle - just not forward yet. Her stranger anxiety isn't full blown but she definitely prefers me over pretty much anyone else. (Except for maybe my dad - they have this inexplicable, amazing connection.) She LOVES standing at the table and would rather be there than sitting. 

She's also eating a great variety of foods. We only did purees for about a month and went straight to real food. And man, does she love it. She feeds herself and I can really see her dexterity benefiting from that. So far she hasn't turned down a food that we've given her, such a good eater! If you're curious about what we feed her, here's a quick run down:
  • Beans - black, kidney or pinto beans. 
  • Broccoli - steamed or boiled.
  • Banana - usually cut in half and then into quarters.
  • Carrots - steamed or boiled.
  • Green Beans - boiled.
  • Bell Peppers - orange, yellow or red - steamed or boiled.
  • Strawberries - cut into manageable pieces.
  • Cottage Cheese - just on her tray, she eats the little curds.
  • Shredded Cheese - just on her tray.
  • Cauliflower - steamed or boiled.
  • Papaya - cut into manageable pieces.
  • Mango - cut into manageable pieces.
For the slimier foods (ie banana, papaya, mango) I sometimes roll it in some baby cereal. It makes it easier for her to grasp and the taste isn't too strong. Tonight I'm trying pasta with her and I have a feeling my little chunker will love it. What foods do your kids love? I'm trying to mix things up a little bit but I figure her palate is already more diverse than a lot of babies her age so I try not to stress about it. 

Guys, I really want to hear about your babies and your experiences! Please leave a comment and let me know how YOU'RE doing! Pass the blog on to any friends with kids too.

I mustache you a question.
What a hipster baby.

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