June is 15 months old. It blows my mind how she's like a real mini human now. She's had a pretty bad cold for the past week and it's very sad. This is the first time she's been sick like this and while it's not quite as bad as the Hand Foot and Mouth sickness went through (thank God!), she's miserable nonetheless. She has a wet cough that sounded a lot like croup to me so I took her to the doctor last week and it's just a virus so we're doing Motrin, some Benadryl to dry her out and lots of cuddling. She's started sleeping in our bed and while I always dreamed of co-sleeping with my kids - it's much different than I expected! She's not a cuddler and takes up most of our king size bed. Most mornings I wake up with a foot in my face or a head in my shoulder blades. I really don't mind it but I do worry a little about when Theo is born and how our transition will go. I planned on co-sleeping with him because I'll be nursing but now that June has invaded our bed I don't want to have a newborn and a toddler in there at once. Any advice?
Let's take a look at our Baby Center Milestone Chart.
Mastered Skills (most kids can do) | ![]() Emerging Skills (half of kids can do) | ![]() Advanced Skills (a few kids can do) |
Plays with ball Uses three words regularly Walks backward | Scribbles with a crayon Runs Adopts "no" as his favorite word | "Helps" around the house Puts his fingers to his mouth and says "shhh" |
(Can I pat myself on the back real quick for not messing up the chart this month? Holla!)
So June LOVES throwing and kicking balls. I wish I knew how to link to a video because our dear friend Leo was cracking her up by kicking a soccer ball the other day. It was possibly the cutest 4 minutes of my life. She uses the words Momma, Dadda and yeah. She's starting to babble a lot more but still doesn't have a ton of words. I'm not too worried though. Walking backward? Honestly, I don't know that we've ever had a need to do that. I guess I have seen her playing with her cousins and if they push a toy with her standing at the back she will walk backward with it. But does that count?
June LOVES crayons. We just started coloring this month and she's really into it. She's been running for two months, wild girl. I don't think she says no yet. Thank goodness. I'm sure that's coming.
She does help around the house. We can tell her to put her clothes in her hamper and she will do that as well as kind of picking up her toys. I'll have to test her with the "shh" thing. I don't think she's ever seen us do it so we'll see!
A week ago we had our official gender scan for baby boy. Our perinatologist was easily able to confirm that Theodore is a boy! Baby boy wasn't shy and gave us a show! He was also much less active than June was at this point. I'm praying that holds true for after he's born too. The ultrasound was amazing. As many of you know, I have a syndrome called Asherman's. I'm not going to go into it again but look around the blog and you'll find lots of info about it. So Dr. Risky (not his real name, I'm dubbing him this because he's a high-risk doctor...and it makes me laugh) showed us all of Theodore's body and his organs working in perfect form. These ultrasounds are my favorite because you get to see, in depth, the inner workings of their tiny bodies. It's absolutely amazing to watch them stretch their muscles and rub their eyes but then to see their heart beating away and their kidneys flushing fluids. During this ultrasound we also saw that the gestational sac grew around the scar tissue I have left. I only have two strands of thick scar tissue left in my uterus as this sweet baby has opened it almost all the way but there's one larger one that the baby is growing around. It's hard to explain and Dr. Risky had to show us from several angles for us to fully understand what was going on. But, basically, the baby implanted in a great spot and then grew around the scar tissue which slowly pushed all of it open. So this last hold out strand of tissue is being pressed on by the sac. He said it may open and stretch or it may be too thick to get through. Either way, the baby is growing perfectly and using the space he has to keep moving and growing. It was all pretty insane to see in front of us.
Our c-section is officially scheduled for April 23 at 715am. That's my dad's 50th birthday and he is very excited to share his special day. We also have more than a few double (and triple) birthdays on each side of the family so this is an exciting tradition. My sister was born on my grandmother's 50th birthday too! April will be here before we know it!
Christmas is upon us and I am so excited to see June's reaction to presents. She wasn't interested in opening things on her birthday but we'll see this time! We even have a few things under the tree for Theo.
I hope everyone has a safe and fun Christmas!
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June looks so sad. At least she's showing emotion! (Also, my Grandpa is a real beard Santa - he is the best Santa ever. Seriously.) ((Also, why does my belly look so weird?!)) |
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June and Santa having a staring contest. |
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(From L-R) My mom (Lisa), my dear friend Stacy, me, my sister Emily and my sister's dear friend Kelsey. We made the Pioneer Woman's cinnamon rolls and they were incredible! |