Not literal change like things are changing but change like "and a few days."
I guess literal change too. My body is definitely changing, so there's that.
After I had June I lost all of the 47 pounds I gained fairly quickly. I was breastfeeding as well as on the verge of death so that helped shed the weight pretty fast. The only problem was that after that initial loss, my weight stayed the same for a while and then started creeping up again. Having a baby plus stress plus more stress plus a brand new job apparently leads to a little weight gain. My official starting weight was 179.
The first trimester was rough on me. I was pretty sick all day, nearly every day for the first 12 weeks. One morning I was sitting on the couch struggling to get ready for work, crying and having a small pity party. Thomas asked what was wrong and I replied, "I just don't remember it being this hard!" His response, "I do." Poor guy. He didn't forget watching me throw up every morning and evening, trying to find food that tasted okay and keeping my body fed. At my 8 week appointment I had lost 5 pounds. At my 14 week appointment I was still down 2 pounds.
Then I got the flu, twice. The first one wasn't so bad, beside the constant puking for three days straight. I didn't quite feel sick but I couldn't keep anything down and was quickly becoming dehydrated. This was around 15 weeks. I stepped on the scale at the hospital and I was down to 172. 7 pounds from when I got pregnant. I started feeling better but got hit again with the flu this past weekend. Friday was a day of vomit for me and a day of runny tummy (diarrhea) for June. It was rough. Luckily it was only a 24 hour bug and we both felt okay by Saturday. My appetite was somewhat back by then.
Today I had an appointment with Dr. Man. I was convinced that I was going to have gained at least 8 pounds from my 14 week weight. I just feel my belly betting bigger and my hips expanding. Imagine my shock when I stepped on the scale and I was only 180! I've only gained one pound, officially. I truly want to watch my weight during this pregnancy and would love to stay under 200 pounds. That would mean I would have to keep my weight gain to 22 pounds. I know this can be done. Dr. Man suggested I look into the diet that gestational diabetics follow. It's basically a low carb, high protein diet. It sounds hard to me only because I love sugar and that would be something I have to keep in check but at the end of the day, if that means that I keep my weight gain to a minimum and still grow a healthy baby, I can do it.
Has anyone ever been diagnosed with gestational diabetes or followed the diet? I will be officially tested in about 10 weeks but with June I failed the one hour and passed the three hour. I would love any advice or suggestions you have from experience!
And now here's a little timeline of my belly:
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I somehow lost week 16. I just cried about it. Don't worry. I'm okay. Just an emotional wreck. |
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