Monday, December 10, 2012

It's A...


With June I had dreams, lots of dreams, that she was a girl. I had one dream where we found out at the ultrasound but not through her genitalia but through her teeth. It was weird. This time I have only had one "premonition." I was falling asleep and lightly dreaming (I could write a whole separate blog about dreams), a baby was placed into my arms and I just knew it was a boy. 

And I was right. 

Theodore Louis Kellogg will be joining his big sister on April 23, 2013. We're going back and forth on his nickname - I like Teddy and Thomas likes Theo. I think we'll see what fits him best when he arrives but for now we've been calling him Theo. And Theo is a very, very low kicker!

I believe that we have the best model for raising opposite gender siblings close in age - my brother and sister. Emily was born November 28 and not two years later, on November 12, Ian was born. Emily was tiny, Ian was big. They were mistaken for twins nearly every day. Emily and Ian did everything together. They played with toys designed for one gender or the other but more often than not, they created their own games. Emily often called herself "Big Sally" and Ian was "Little Nick." Their games required very little - just one another and imagination. Growing up and playing sports together, they had each other on the field to keep each other company.

I cannot wait to see June take Theo under her wing. I'm excited to see her show him the world through her passionate eyes. June has my very strong personality and I'm so curious if Theo will have Thomas' laid back attitude. 

We are so excited to meet baby Theo. 

Baby Theo at nearly 12 weeks. His nose is what tipped us off that he's a boy...

Emily and Ian at probably 3.5 and 18 months. They have such a special bond.


  1. Congrats to the Kellogg family... I know 4 people pregnant (including you) and everyone is having a boy! Must be something in the water <3

    1. Thank you! I have 3 friends pregnant all within a month of me and we're all having boys too! It's crazy!

  2. Awwww, yay - congratulations! One of each. :) So excited for your family

  3. WAHOOO!! Congrats! I can't wait to meet the little man!

    -Auntie Julie in Oklahoma

  5. Congratulations!!! Be warned, though, I, too, have a strong personality, and I did NOT like having my parents' attention being directed away from me, the first child, to my baby brother. We have home videos of my little brother swinging and me running in front of the camera yelling, "No me!"

    1. Fortunately, for us, June could care less about Thomas or me! She's very independent! She's also around babies all day at my mom's daycare and has seen both of us hold babies. I think for our family it will work out best having them close together so she doesn't remember being an only child.
