Well, folks, we have a five month old. She is finally rolling over from her tummy to her back and absolutely hates the process. It would be sad if it weren't so hilarious. She lays on her tummy, rocks back and forth, rolls to her back, looks furious and then cries. I don't know if it's the motion that upsets her or if she just gets confused. Either way, it's adorable. (I'm aware the fact that I laugh when my daughter cries probably disqualifies me for the mother of the year award but c'mon, it's pretty funny.)
A while back I read on Emily Southerland's blog about introducing a "lovey" or security blanket/stuffed animal. My sister Emily had gotten June an adorable organic cotton doll while I was pregnant and I was adamant about making that her lovey. I bought an extra one, believing that we would need it. We named these her "ghost babies" but darling June rejected them. She had no interest in them when I tried to get her to cozy up to them.
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Ghost Baby! |
On a whim, I introduced her to a sweet, fluffy bunny that my dear friend whom with I lived in Paris had sent us. June took to this precious bunny like I couldn't believe. It has since become her dear lovey. She sleeps with it next to her face, stroking the satin and chewing on the ears. Thus, proving that even babies have minds of their own!
Junie and her favorite bunny. |
On a less adorable note, I'm having more surgery! Dr. Man is no longer covered by my insurance because I'm no longer pregnant. Silly insurance companies! (Read: I effing hate insurance companies!) I'm still having incredible pain and while ultrasounds have revealed some pretty extensive scarring in my uterus, there have been few answers.
Luckily, Dr. Man is a sweet man and referred me to his friend and colleague Dr. Latino. (In case you forgot or are new, Dr. Man is not his real name and my new dr is not legally named Dr. Latino, either.) I met with Dr. Latino today and he was wonderful. Dr. Latino agreed with Dr. Man and that we should schedule a laparoscopy (caution: pictures are included) to diagnose and treat Endometriosis. Unfortunately, endometriosis can't be diagnosed without actually seeing the scaring and growth. If you want to read more about this disease read this!
A major concern of mine is that endo is a major cause of infertility and secondary infertility (being unable to get pregnant more than once). I have come across a lot of research that says basically the sooner you diagnose and treat, the better your chances are of becoming pregnant again. I had two nurses in the ER suggest that we try to get pregnant again right away so that we don't let the endo grow. That terrifies me. Everything about this is scary and I'm not sure I want babies only 14 months apart.
Does anyone have any experience with endometriosis or know anyone that does? I want to find some sort of support system!