Thursday, March 29, 2012

How Do I Breathe?

((One million points to whomever guesses the song I'm referencing in the title. HINT: It's Thomas' and my "song."))

Before June was born my BFITWWW (Best Friend In The Whole Wide World), Abby, informed me that she would be having surgery in the Spring of 2012. She's been my BFITWWW going on 8 years now and is like the sister I can't get to leave me alone. So my natural reaction was to force myself upon her and be her nurse. This would be a boring post if she lived nearby. However, my dearest Abby lives in ARIZONA. I figured, at the time, that June would be old enough to be sleeping through the night and that it wouldn't be a huge deal to leave my 6 month baby for a few days.

Spring of 2012 is here. It kind of came out of no where. Next Tuesday I'll be leaving for 5 days and 4 nights and my heart is starting to hurt. I always kind of figured that because June has been so loved by so many people and is passed around so much that I would never have to worry about her having too much separation anxiety. Or that it would at least start later. But neither is the case. My darling 6 month old currently cries when I leave her sight. How on earth are we going to make it through next week without one of us crumbling? It seems to be the worst when I first leave so I'm hoping that she will have so much fun that she won't even remember that I'm gone.

The best thing happened the other day and it was all because we left her at her Meema's. She spent the night there on Friday night because I had a Cherry Spitz show. Saturday morning we went to pick her up and she was just sweet as a peach. Thomas held her for a minute and then she saw me. She reached out her little arms, came to me and hugged me. Full on baby hug, both arms around my shoulders, face buried into my chest. It made my day. week. life. Baby hugs are the best thing in the world.

So while I'm sad to be testing these unfamiliar waters and leaving Junie, I'm also excited to see Abby and help her recover. And by help her recover, I mean making fun of her gimpy body. 

How am I going to be able to survive without this face (for 5 days)?!


  1. Oh Amber...I sympathize. I had to leave my Jacob for one day and I did fine, but I did really miss him. In a way, being without him feels like my life did before he was in it, and that's weird and uncomfortable. I think you'll be fine -- just focus on how excited you'll be to get back to her!

  2. We left her with our parents for 3 nights and 4 days when we went on our honeymoon in January. It was really hard but she wasn't quite as attached yet at only 4 months. I'm going to focus on Abby and have fun and let us both have some space! :)
